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# Half-orc

# Species Bonus

+2 Str or +2 Dex

# Species Power

Choose one of the following species powers.

# Devastating Blow

Once per battle when you hit with a two-handed weapon, you can choose to attempt a devastating blow. If you do, make a second attack roll. If you hit again, deal double damage. If you miss, the original attack deals half damage and the power is not expended.

# Adventurer Feat

When you are dealt a critical hit, reduce the damage by 2 x level (5th: 3 x level; 8th: 4 x level).

# Killer Instinct

In a battle in which you have rallied, you deal +3 damage with melee attacks for the rest of the battle (5th: +6; 8th: +12).

# Lethal

Once per battle, reroll a melee attack and use the roll you prefer as the result.

# Champion Feat

If the lethal attack reroll is a natural 16+, you can use lethal again later this battle.