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# Half-elf

# Species Bonus

+2 Con or +2 Cha

# Species Power

Choose one of the following species powers.

# Concordance

When you create your character, for your kin power, choose any kin power for any other PC kin. Each time you level up, choose a kin power that you have never had before to replace the kin power you had. In story terms, you may have learned something new, or changed your outlook, or made unexpected friends, or suffered a grievous blow. Your cycle of experiences is probably based on empathy and increasing understanding instead of happenstance, but if you’re a chaos mage or sorcerer, Concordance can adopt your personal spin.

# Champion Feat

Use a kin power that you have had at a lower level but as a recharge 16+ power. Choose the power when you take this feat. If you change this power when you level.

# Epic Feat

Ditto, but for a different kin power.

# Karmic Soul

Once per battle, you can turn a natural 7 that you or a nearby ally roll with an attack into a hit, or a natural 7 that you or a nearby ally roll with a save into a success.

# Adventurer Feat

You get an additional use of karmic soul each battle.

# Surprising

Once per battle, subtract one from the natural result of one of your own d20 rolls.

# Champion Feat

You gain an additional use of surprising each battle, but you can only use it to affect a nearby ally’s d20 roll.