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# Necromancer

# Ability Scores

Necromancers gain a +2 class bonus to Intelligence or Charisma, as long as it isn’t the same ability you increase with your +2 species bonus.

# Skills

Necromancers get 2 skill points in any Intelligence or Charisma skill like Arcana, Intimidate, and Mechanics.

# Gear

At 1st level, a necromancer starts with various dark robes or traveling clothes, a dagger, a staff, a few treasured bones or funerary urns, and other miscellaneous items suggested by their background.

# Gold Pieces

Necromancers start with 25gp.

# Armor

Armor Type Base AC Atk Penalty
None 10
Light 10
Heavy 11 -2
Shield +1 -2

# Melee Weapons

Weapon Type One-Handed Two-Handed
Small LEVELd4 dagger LEVELd6 club, staff
Light or Simple LEVELd6 (-2 atk) mace, shortsword LEVELd8 (-4 atk) spear
Heavy or Martial LEVELd8 (-5 atk) longsword, warhammer LEVELd10 (-6 atk) greatsword

# Ranged Weapons

Weapon Type Thrown Crossbow Bow
Small LEVELd4 dagger, star LEVELd4 hand crossbow
Light or Simple LEVELd6 (-2 atk) javelin LEVELd6 (-1 atk) light crossbow LEVELd6 (-2 atk) shortbow
Heavy or Martial LEVELd8 (-4 atk) heavy crossbow LEVELd8 (-5 atk) longbow

# Level Progression

Necromancer Total Hit Points Total Feats 1st level (H) 3rd level (H) 5th level (H) 7th level (H) 9th level (H) Level-up Ability Bonuses Damage Bonus From Ability Score
Level 1 Hybrid (Avg. of both classes) x 3 As 1st level PC 3 Not affected ability modifier
Level 1 (6 + CON mod*) x 3 1 adv 4   ability modifier
Level 2 (6 + CON mod) x 4 2 adv 5   ability modifier
Level 3 (6 + CON mod) x 5 3 adv 3 3   ability modifier
Level 4 (6 + CON mod) x 6 4 adv 6 +1 to 3 abilities ability modifier
Level 5 (6 + CON mod) x 8 4 adv; 1 champ 3 4   2 x ability modifier
Level 6 (6 + CON mod) x 10 4 adv; 2 champ 7   2 x ability modifier
Level 7 (6 + CON mod) x 12 4 adv; 3 champ 3 5 +1 to 3 abilities 2 x ability modifier
Level 8 (6 + CON mod) x 16 4 adv; 3 champ; 1 epic 8   4 x ability modifier
Level 9 (6 + CON mod) x 20 4 adv; 3 champ; 2 epic 3 6   4 x ability modifier
Level 10 (6 + CON mod) x 24 4 adv; 3 champ; 3 epic 9 +1 to 3 abilities 4 x ability modifier

Although not listed on the table, this class gets three talents. It does not get more at higher levels.

(H): Indicates columns in which hybrid characters lag one level behind.

*You don’t subtract the modifier from your base hp value if you have a negative Constitution modifier.

# Stats at 1st Level

Ability Bonus +2 Intelligence or Charisma (different from species bonus)
Initiative Dex mod + Level
Armor Class (light armor) 10 + middle mod of Con/Dex/Wis + Level
Physical Defense 10 + middle mod of Str/Con/Dex + Level
Mental Defense 11 + middle mod of Int/Wis/Cha + Level
Hit Points (6 + Con mod) x Level modifier
Recoveries 8
Recovery Dice (1d4 x Level) + Con mod
Skills 2, max 5 in any one skill
Relationships 3 points
Talents 3
Feats 1 per Level

# Basic Attacks

# Melee Attack


Target: One enemy

Attack: Strength + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Strength damage


# Ranged Attack


Target: One enemy

Attack: Dexterity + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Dexterity damage


# Class Features

# Arcane Implements

As a character casting arcane magic, your best options for improving your spellcasting are wands and staffs.

# Death’s Master

All necromancers must spend at least one relationship point with any necromantic relationship. (This may be conflicted or negative.) If your one unique thing somehow suggests that you might be free of this requirement, make a case to your GM that this is a way in which you are unique.

# Ritual Magic

Necromancers can cast arcane rituals.

# Spell Choices

Like other standard spellcasters, you choose the spells you will be able to cast after each full heal-up.

# Summoning

Your summoning spells use the standard summoning rules. The following feats enable you to improve your summoning powers.

# Adventurer Feat

Your summoned creatures can add the escalation die to their attacks.

# Champion Feat

When you summon mooks, increase the number of mooks you summon by 1.

# Epic Feat

The first time one of your non-mook summoned creatures is dropped each battle, roll a normal save. If you succeed, the summoned creature is not slain but instead remains in the battle with 10 hp.

# Wasting Away

Necromancers are frail, gaunt, parched, skinny, sickly, wasted, cadaverous, dependent on unearthly substances, or partially dead. This isn’t just an aesthetic note—as a necromancer, you must subtract your Constitution modifier from all your necromancer spell attacks if your modifier is positive. In addition, you don’t die until you fail five death saves. Similarly, you don’t succumb to last gasp save effects until you fail the fifth save.

# Adventurer Feat

If your Constitution modifier is negative, add +1 to your necromancer spell attacks.

# Champion Feat

You don’t die from damage until your negative hit points equal your maximum hit points, instead of half your maximum.

# Epic Feat

One battle per full recovery, you can choose to succeed with death saves on an 11+ instead of a 16+.

# Class Talents

# Black Cabalist

You have advantage (roll twice and take the better result) on skill checks regarding occult lore, death, and necromancy. This includes skill checks you make to cast necromantic rituals.

# Adventurer Feat

Once per full recovery, when you cast a necromancer spell, narrate how you studied the spell in a flashback. You have advantage on the first attack roll with the spell.

# Champion Feat

If you invest a feat into a necromancer spell, you also gain the benefits of any other feat of that spell, up to your current tier.

# Epic Feat

Once per full recovery, you can cast an arcane ritual by sacrificing a living creature in place of a focus. The ritual still requires components.

# Bloodseeker

You have advantage on skill checks to sense the heartbeat of nearby living creatures.

Once per battle, you can drink a cup of blood as a standard action to fuel your magic, similar to a sorcerer gathering power. Heal hit points equal to your Charisma modifier, twice at champion tier and thrice at epic tier, + level. The next spell you cast this battle deals double damage. If that spell is a summoning spell, the creature you summon has advantage on its first attack, and that attack deals double damage.

# Adventurer Feat

When you cast an empowered necromancer spell, the target is vulnerable to it (+2 to your critical threat range).

# Champion Feat

When you gather power, you can also save against a “save ends” effect.

# Epic Feat

You now heal your Charisma modifier thrice + twice your level.

# Cackling Soliloquist

If you spend your move action, your quick action, and your standard action casting a full recovery spell that ordinarily only requires a standard action—while screaming grandiloquently, cackling maniacally, or megalomaniacally describing the grandeur of your plans and the futility of your enemies’ resistance—the full recovery spell is recharge 18+ after battle instead of full recovery, and you can invent a slight improvement to the spell, especially if it’s partly story-oriented, that provides an extra benefit determined by the GM or by you (with GM approval).

# Adventurer Feat

You gain temporary hit points equal to 1d6 + your level + Charisma modifier when you use Cackling Soliloquist, double your Charisma modifier at champion tier, and triple it at epic tier.

# Champion Feat

Your soliloquized spell is now a recharge 16+ after battle instead of 18+.

# Epic Feat

Once per full recovery, you can hog the spotlight when using Cackling Soliloquist. When you do, you heal using a free recovery and steal the escalation die, keeping it all to yourself. Until the end of your next turn, you are the only creature—PC, NPC, or monster—that can use the escalation die, and you treat the escalation die as if it were an 8. At the end of your next turn, return the escalation die to the table, one point higher than it was when you seized it.

# Dead Wizard

You gain the Cantrips class feature from the wizard class. The talent functions like the wizard’s class feature with the following exceptions:

  • You can’t cast mending.
  • Your light cantrip has a sickly flicker or a dark edge. Feel free to call it darklight.

# Adventurer Feat

You can take a wizard spell in place of one of your necromancer spells of the same level. You can change this spell for a new one you know whenever you take a full heal-up.

# Champion Feat

You gain a bonus wizard spell that is at least two levels below your level, in addition to the spells you can cast as a necromancer. You can change this spell for a new one you know whenever you take a full heal-up.

# Epic Feat

You gain a second bonus wizard spell, but this one can be of your level or lower. You can change this spell for a new one you know whenever you take a full heal-up.

# Death Priest

When you have relationship advantages you’re waiting to use during a session, you can interpret them as interactions/public discussions with the spirits of the recent or ancient dead in the area, providing information you require (and possibly, when there’s a complication, also providing that information to your enemies or otherwise getting you into some type of trouble).

Séance: Similarly, once per full recovery while you’re not in battle, you can perform a short rite (1–2 minutes) to call upon a spirit of the dead that’s related to a random relationship other than a necromantic relationship. The spirit will speak to you, relaying information helpfully, or under protest if it’s related to a relationship that considers you an enemy or with which you have a negative relationship.

You can’t always rely on the dead to speak the truth, or to know what they are talking about. Whenever you use the séance power above, the GM secretly rolls a d20 before the discussion. On a 3+, the spirit knows what it is talking about. On a 1–2, the information is outdated, sabotaged, or just erroneous.

Note that this roll is only used for séances, not for spirits you talk to thanks to relationship advantages mentioned above.

At champion tier you can use séance two times per full recovery. At epic tier you can use it three times per full recovery.

# Adventurer Feat

Whenever you take a full heal-up, you can choose whether you’d like to move a single point in a relationship with a positively or negatively aligned relationship to one of the other relationships. Tell a story of what has taken place to cause the shift, unless it’s already obvious from the events of the campaign. When you shift this relationship, the new point must match any current relationships, but it can be positive or negative if it’s currently the only point you have with that relationship.

# Champion Feat

You gain a bonus cleric spell that is at least two levels below your level, in addition to the spells you can cast as a necromancer. You can change this spell for a new one you know whenever you take a full heal-up. You can also substitute references to Wisdom with references to Intelligence in the spell.

# Epic Feat

You gain the lowest-tier feat, if any, associated with your bonus cleric spell.

# Deathknell

As a quick action, you can drop a nearby enemy that has 5 hp or fewer down to 0 hp. When you drop an enemy using Deathknell, you heal 1d6 hit points.

You can use Deathknell to drop a mook, but only if it’s the last mook in its mob and the mob has 5 hp or fewer left.

Higher Level Effect
3rd Drop an enemy with 10 hp or fewer. Heal 1d10 hit points.
5th Drop an enemy with 15 hp or fewer. Heal 2d8 hit points.
7th Drop an enemy with 20 hp or fewer. Heal 4d6 hit points.
9th Drop an enemy with 25 hp or fewer. Heal 4d8 hit points.

# Adventurer Feat

When you use Deathknell, one of your nearby conscious allies can gain the healing instead of you.

# Champion Feat

Double the healing gained from Deathknell when you drop an enemy.

# Epic Feat

You can increase the escalation die by 1 instead of healing when you kill a non-mook enemy with Deathknell.

# Eternal Tormentor

Special: You cannot choose both this talent and the Redeemer talent.

Undead you summon deal extra damage equal to your level on a hit.

However, if an undead you summoned rolls a natural 1 on an attack, your control slips and it is free to act as it pleases (under GM control). Brainless undead like skeletons and zombies just shuffle off or attack the nearest living creature until destroyed, whereas intelligent undead like wraiths will try to get back at their tormentor. You cannot dismiss undead who have slipped from your control. As a standard action, you can attempt to regain control of your summoned undead with an Intelligence + Level vs. MD attack.

# Adventurer Feat

On a critical hit, your summoned undead deal 1d6 extra damage, 2d6 at champion tier, and 3d6 at epic tier.

# Champion Feat

When you spend a quick action to allow a summoned undead to benefit from the escalation die (as per the Summoning rules), it gains a +2 bonus to its critical threat range that round.

# Epic Feat

Your non-mook summoned undead deal 3d6 extra damage on normal hits too.

# Grave Bond

Whenever you spend a recovery to heal, one nearby undead you summoned, or your skeletal minion, heals half of the amount.

# Adventurer Feat

You can choose to grant the full amount to the undead and heal half the amount yourself.

# Champion Feat

When you heal your summoned undead with this talent, the target also gains a +2 bonus to attacks and defenses until the end of your next turn.

# Epic Feat

All other undead under your control, except the primary target, heal a quarter of the amount.

# It’s Complicated

You gain one negative relationship point.

You gain an extra necromancer spell at the highest spell level you can normally cast (as shown under spells known on the necromancer level progression chart). For example, you would gain an extra 3rd level spell if you’re 4th level, or an extra 5th level spell if you’re 5th level.

# Champion Feat

You gain an additional negative relationship point in the relationship established with It’s Complicated. You gain another extra necromancer spell, but it must be at least two levels lower than your level.

# Redeemer

Undead you summon release radiant energy bursts as they drop to 0 hp, dealing a small amount of damage to each enemy engaged with them.

Mooks you summon deal radiant damage equal to your Charisma modifier, double your Charisma modifier at champion tier, and triple it at epic tier.

Non-mooks you summon deal radiant damage equal to your Charisma modifier x 1d4, 1d8 at champion tier, and 2d6 at epic tier.

In story terms, you’re not likely to have a positive relationship with any necromantic deities if you take the Redeemer talent.

# Adventurer Feat

The first time each battle an undead creature you have summoned attacks, it gains an attack bonus equal to your Charisma modifier.

# Champion Feat

When one of your summoned undead creatures drops to 0 hp, instead of having it deal radiant damage to engaged enemies, you can heal hit points equal to that damage instead.

# Epic Feat

You can memorize a single spell that summons undead twice.

# Skeletal Minion

You have a skeleton minion the same level as you that acts as a servant, fights alongside you in battle, and is replaced by a new skeletal minion when it inevitably collapses or is destroyed. It is not a summoned create; summoning rules don’t apply.

Your minion acts on your initiative, taking a standard action, a move action, and (if applicable) a quick action. You decide whether it takes its turn before or after you.

The listed attack and damage values are for melee attacks. Your skeletal minion can’t heal. When it drops to 0 hp, it’s destroyed for that battle. When you take a quick rest, a new (or patched up) skeletal minion will take its place.

# Level 1 Skeletal Minion

Normal 1st level Attack +6 vs. AC–1d6 damage AC PD 17 15
Mook Undead   MD HP 11 14

# Level 2 Skeletal Minion

Normal 2nd level Attack +7 vs. AC–1d8 damage AC PD 18 16
Mook Undead   MD HP 12 18

# Level 3 Skeletal Minion

Normal 3th level Attack +9 vs. AC–1d12 damage AC PD 19 17
Mook Undead   MD HP 13 22

# Level 4 Skeletal Minion

Normal 4th level Attack +10 vs. AC–2d6 damage AC PD 21 19
Mook Undead   MD HP 15 27

# Level 5 Skeletal Minion

Normal 5th level Attack +11 vs. AC–2d8 damage AC PD 22 20
Mook Undead   MD HP 16 36

# Level 6 Skeletal Minion

Normal 6th level Attack +13 vs. AC–3d6 damage AC PD 23 21
Mook Undead   MD HP 17 45

# Level 7 Skeletal Minion

Normal 7th level Attack +14 vs. AC–3d8 damage AC PD 25 23
Mook Undead   MD HP 19 54

# Level 8 Skeletal Minion

Normal 8th level Attack +15 vs. AC–4d6 damage AC PD 26 24
Mook Undead   MD HP 20 72

# Level 9 Skeletal Minion

Normal 9th level Attack +17 vs. AC–4d8 damage AC PD 27 25
Mook Undead   MD HP 21 90

# Level 10 Skeletal Minion

Normal 10th level Attack +18 vs. AC–5d6 damage AC PD 28 26
Mook Undead   MD HP 22 108

# Skeletal Minion Feats

Like animal companion feats, skeletal minion feats don’t build on each other. You don’t have to take them in a particular order, as long as you qualify for the tier.

# Adventurer Feat

Your skeletal minion now adds the escalation die to its attack rolls.

# Adventurer Feat

When an enemy attempts to disengage from the skeletal minion, it takes a penalty to the check equal to the escalation die.

# Adventurer Feat

As a quick action, you can set your skeletal minion ablaze, or extinguish the blaze. While it’s flaming, your skeleton minion’s damage dice increase by one size, and it deals fire damage with its melee attacks, but it takes damage equal to your level each time its natural attack roll is odd.

# Champion Feat

Add a damage die of the same size to your skeletal minion’s damage rolls (for example, 3d6 becomes 4d6).

# Champion Feat

Add double your Charisma modifier to your skeletal minion’s hit points. At epic tier, add triple it.

# Champion Feat

Add a damage die of the same size to your skeletal minion’s damage rolls (for example, 4d6 becomes 5d6, and this is cumulative with the champion feat).

# Epic Feat

Your skeletal minion gains a +2 bonus to all defenses.

# Solemn Beauty

The first time an enemy rolls a save against an effect from your necromancer spells, increase the save DC by your Charisma modifier. This includes saves against ongoing damage. Note that a natural roll of 18+ always saves.

# Adventurer Feat

When an enemy fails a save against one of your spells, heal hit points equal to the spell level.

# Champion Feat

Once per scene, you gain advantage on a Charisma-based skill check, as you enthrall the target with your otherworldly presence.

# Epic Feat

Against mooks and normal-strength enemies, you always increase the save DC, not just the first.

# Sorta Dead

In some ways, you’re dead already. You don’t need to eat or sleep or breathe. You can’t drown in normal water/liquid, though magical gas will still affect you.

When a spell or effect targets or applies to undead, you can decide whether you want to count as undead for that specific effect. (For example, you could count as undead to take advantage of a target’s vulnerability created by the ripping claws attack of a starving ghoul mook you summoned via summon undead.)

The first time you die each level, roll a normal save, adding your Charisma modifier. If you succeed, you heal using a free recovery instead of dying. If you were dying because of last gasp saves, consider yourself saved from the last gasp problem also.

# Adventurer Feat

You gain resist poison 16+ and resist necrotic 16+.

# Champion Feat

The spells zombie form, ghoul form, ghost form, and vampiric form all function as recharge 16+ after battle spells for you, though you still memorize them as full recovery spells.

# Epic Feat

No undead creature that is not under the direct command of a necromantic relationship can attack you unless you attack it or cast a spell against it first.

# Tomb Knight

You can wield one-handed martial melee weapons and wear shields and heavy armor without an attack penalty. Increase your base AC in heavy armor to 13.

You gain a 3-point skill put toward knightly virtues, such as heraldry, falconry, jousting, or courtly love.

Special: If you are a hybrid necromancer, you now count as a “skillful warrior” and no longer reduce your WEAPON die from the necromancer side. However, you lose one necromancer spell slot of the highest level you can cast.

# Adventurer Feat

When wielding a shield, you can cast ranged necromancer spells without provoking opportunity attacks.

# Champion Feat

If you hit with your next melee attack after you cast a necromancer spell, you deal additional necrotic damage equal to the spell level. Only count the highest level spell, multiple spells do not stack.

# Epic Feat

You gain a +1 bonus to hit with necromancer spells against enemies you are engaged with.

# Vigor Mortis

Increase your base PD to 11 and your base hit points to 7 + Con.

Once per full recovery per Dexterity modifier (minimum 1), you can perform a bizarre freak show stunt with your body. Bend it in unnatural ways, pierce it, cough up bugs, maybe even detach and reattach a limb. If you stare into the disgusted faces of your fellow players, you are doing it right. This does not require a skill check, unless the GM decides to require one, such as for a particularly artistic execution.

# Adventurer Feat

While staggered, increase your recovery dice to d8s.

# Champion Feat

You can expend one use of your stunt as an interrupt action to reduce the damage you take from a physical attack to half.

# Epic Feat

Gain three extra full recovery uses of your stunt.

# 1st Level Spells

# Bat Form

Close-quarters Spell

Full Recovery

Effect: You transform into a small, winged, bat-like creature with glowing red eyes. In bat form, you can fly, locate objects via echolocation, hunt insects, and sleep upside down, but you can’t really fight. Your small size and erratic movement makes you harder to hit (+2 AC), but if you take any damage, you revert back to your normal form. Otherwise, you can stay in bat form for up to a full full recovery, or change back as a standard action any time. You cannot cast spells in bat form.

# Champion Feat

You can transform one ally per spell level into a bat.

# Channel Life

Ranged Spell

Once per battle

Attack Target: One random nearby creature other than the healing target

Healing Target: One nearby ally

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD (make one attack only against the attack target)

Hit vs. an enemy: 2d6 + Intelligence necrotic damage, and the healing target can heal using a recovery.

Hit vs. an ally: 5 necrotic damage, and the healing target can heal using a recovery.

Miss: The spell is not expended.

Higher Level Effect
3rd 5d6 damage vs. enemy, 10 damage vs. ally.
5th 5d10 damage vs. enemy, 15 damage vs. ally.
7th 7d10 damage vs. enemy, 20 damage vs. ally.
9th 10d12 damage vs. enemy, 30 damage vs. ally.

# Adventurer Feat

You can now cast this spell twice per battle.

# Champion Feat

Staggered allies can no longer be an attack target of the spell.

# Epic Feat

On a miss, the spell now deals half damage to the target, but there is still no effect on the healing target.

# Chant of Endings

Ranged Spell


Target: The nearby enemy with the fewest hit points (you choose if there’s a tie; you also don’t have to be able to see that enemy)

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD

Hit: 1d10 + Intelligence necrotic damage.

Higher Level Effect
3rd 4d6 damage.
5th 6d6 damage.
7th 6d10 damage.
9th 8d10 damage.

# Adventurer Feat

You can now choose whether or not you want to ignore mooks as targets when you cast the spell.

# Champion Feat

Misses now deal damage equal to your level.

# Epic Feat

While the escalation die is 4+,you can now target two nearby enemies with the fewest hit points with this spell.

# Chill Touch

Close-quarters Spell


Target: One enemy you are engaged with

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 1d8 + Intelligence cold damage, and the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls until the end of your next turn.

Miss: Damage equal to your level

Higher Level Effect
3rd 3d8 damage
5th 5d8 damage
7th 7d8 damage
9th 10d8 damage

# Champion Feat

On a natural even hit, the target is dazed instead (-4 to attack) taking a -2 penalty.

# Epic Feat

Deal 15 damage to all other enemies you are engaged with.

# Command Undead

Ranged Spell

Once per battle

Target: One nearby undead creature with 64 hp or fewer

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD

Hit: The target is confused (hard save ends, 16+).

Higher Level Effect
3rd Target with 96 hp or fewer.
5th Target with 160 hp or fewer.
7th Target with 266 hp or fewer.
9th Target with 460 hp or fewer.

# Adventurer Feat

A miss doesn’t expend the spell.

# Champion Feat

If you wish, the target doesn’t make any attacks while confused. Instead it becomes compliant, answers short questions if possible, and follows other suggestions that don’t lead directly to damaging itself or other creatures. Basically, while confused it becomes a slightly puzzled friend, which may wonder why your other friends are hurting it while it’s trying to be helpful.

Epic Feat

The target now adds the escalation die to its attacks while confused by this spell.

# Death’s Gauntlet

Ranged Spell


Target: One nearby creature

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 1d4 + Intelligence modifier ongoing necrotic damage.

Special: Instead of taking the ongoing damage at the end of its turn, the target can use its standard action to strike out at the skeletal limbs or spectral arms that are flailing at it. When it does, the ongoing damage ends and you can’t use death’s gauntlet again until the end of your next turn.

Miss: Damage equal to your level.

Higher Level Effect
3rd 2d8 damage.
5th 4d6 damage.
7th 6d6 damage.
9th 7d10 damage.

# Adventurer Feat

When a target uses a standard action to end death’s gauntlet ongoing damage, it takes necrotic damage equal to your level.

# Champion Feat

When you roll a natural even hit against a target with this spell, the ongoing necrotic damage has a hard save (16+).

# Epic Feat

The spell can also target MD instead of PD.

# Death’s Memory

Close-quarters Spell

Recharge 17+

Effect: Touch a corpse of a creature to receive a vision of how it died. You can use this spell on other objects, too, to receive a vision of its connection to death, if any, for example a murder weapon.

# Adventurer Feat

The spell is now Recharge 13+.

# Minor Drain

Ranged Spell

Anti-Cyclic (cast once per battle OR at-will when the escalation die is odd)

Target: One nearby creature

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 1d4 + Intelligence necrotic damage, and you heal hit points equal to half the damage dealt.

Miss: Deal damage and heal hit points equal to your level.

Higher Level Effect
3rd 3d4 damage
5th 5d4 damage
7th 7d4 damage
9th 9d4 damage

# Adventurer Feat

You can grant any healing that would go above your maximum hit points to a nearby ally instead.

# Champion Feat

Increase the damage dice to d6s.

# Epic Feat

Increase the damage dice to d8s.

# Sense Death

Close-quarters Spell

Full Recovery

Effect: For the next 1d6 hours, you have a heightened awareness of the presence of death around you. You have advantage on skill checks to sense the presence of undead creatures and lingering spirits of the deceased. You also sense nearby dangers that have killed someone in the past, such as the deadly traps that protect an ancient tomb.

# Adventurer Feat

You can cast the spell on a nearby ally.

# Spectral Hand

Close-quarters Spell

Recharge 11+

Quick Action

Effect: Create a floating hand of spectral matter that lasts until the end of the battle. The hand can engage a nearby enemy when you create it, and you can move it to a different enemy as a quick action. Through the hand, you can target this enemy with any of your spells, regardless of the spell’s normal range. The spell does not provoke opportunity attacks. The hand has your defenses, and hit points equal to twice the spell level. It ignores any damage except force and radiant damage.

# Adventurer Feat

The hand can now engage far away enemies.

# Champion Feat

Spells cast through the hand deal extra damage equal to the Spectral Hand’s spell level.

# Epic Feat

You can move the hand as a free action on your turn.

# Summon Undead (1st level+)

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Effect: You summon a mob of 1d3 + 1 crumbling skeleton mooks or 1d3 + 1 bone archers, as per the summoning rules. These skeletons fight for you until the end of the battle or until they drop to 0 hp, whichever comes first.

As you cast the spell at higher levels, the mooks you summon vary, as shown below. The stats for each mob of mooks you can summon are also shown below.

Higher Level Effect
3rd 1d3 + 1 putrid zombie mooks or 1d3 + 1 zombombies
5th 1d3 + 1 starving ghoul mooks or 1d3 + 1 skeletal mages
7th 1d3 + 1 masterless vampire spawn mooks or 1d3 + 1 giant skeletons
9th 1d3 + 1 Blackamber skeletal warrior mooks or 1d3 + 1 minor liches

# Champion Feat

You now summon 1d4 + 1 mooks when you cast this spell instead of 1d3 + 1.

# Epic Feat

If one or more mooks summoned by the spell survive the battle, you can keep one mook with you until the next battle. Or until someone in the party or the world gets sick of it and slays the thing.

# Crumbling Skeleton

Normal 1st level Initiative: +6; Vulnerability: radiant; Sword +6 vs. AC 3 damage AC PD 16 14
Mook Undead Resist weapons 16+: When a weapon attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage. MD HP 10 6

# Bone Archer

Normal 1st level Initiative: +6; Vulnerability: radiant; (Ranged) Skeletal Bow +6 vs. AC 3 damage AC PD 13 14
Mook Undead Resist weapons 15+: When a weapon attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 15+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage. MD HP 10 5
# Higher Level Advancement

For each additional level tier, add this bonus to the stats found in the table below.

Level Attack Damage AC PD MD HP
3rd +2 +3 +2 +2 +2 +3
5th +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +4
7th +2 +7 +2 +2 +2 +6
9th +3 +8 +3 +3 +3 +9

# Putrid Zombie

Normal 3rd level Initiative: +2; Vulnerability: radiant; Rotting fist +7 vs. AC— 5 damage AC PD 18 16
Mook Undead Natural 16+: Both the zombie and its target take 1d6 damage! MD HP 12 16
  Headshot: A critical hit against a putrid zombie deals triple damage instead of the normal double damage for a crit.    
# Zombombie
Normal 3rd level Initiative: +2; Vulnerability: radiant; Putrid Claw +7 vs. PD— (When the zombombie is killed, against all enemies engaged with it) 2d10 poison damage AC PD 13 14
Mook Undead Miss: Half damage; Always: 1d10 poison damage to each ally engaged with at least one target MD HP 10 12
  Headshot: A critical hit against a putrid zombie deals triple damage instead of the normal double damage for a crit.    
# Higher Level Advancement

For each additional level tier, add this bonus to the stats found in the table below. For Explosion damage, replace with the values given.

Level Attack Damage Explosion Damage AC PD MD HP
5th +3 +3 3d10/2d6 +3 +3 +3 +4
7th +2 +6 4d10/2d10 +2 +2 +2 +6
9th +3 +7 6d10/3d10 +3 +3 +3 +8

# Starving Ghoul

Normal 5th level Initiative: +8; Vulnerability: radiant; Ripping claws +10 vs. AC 7 damage AC PD 20 18
Mook Undead Natural 16+ The target is vulnerable (attacks vs. it have crit range expanded by 2) to attacks by undead until the end of the ghoul’s next turn. MD HP 14 18
  Pound of flesh: The starving ghoul’s ripping claws attack deals +5 damage against vulnerable targets.    

# Skeletal Mage

When you summon a skeletal mage, roll on the table below:

d4 Element
1 Fire
2 Cold
3 Lightning
4 Poison
Normal 5th level Initiative: +9; Vulnerability: radiant; (Ranged) Bone Magic +9 vs. PD 10 (random element) damage, +3 for each other nearby skeletal mage AC PD 17 15
Mook Undead Resist (random element) 13+: When a (random element) attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 13+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage. MD HP 19 20

# Higher Level Advancement

For each additional level tier, add this bonus to the stats found in the table below.

Level Attack Damage AC PD MD HP
7th +2 +5 and +2/mage +2 +2 +2 +12
9th +3 +7 and +3/mage +3 +3 +3 +18

# Masterless Vampire Spawn

Normal 7th level Initiative: +11; Vulnerability: radiant; Claw +11 vs. AC— 14 damage AC PD 22 19
Mook Undead Natural even hit: The vampire spawn can make a fangs attack against the target as a free action. MD HP 17 24
  [Special trigger] Fangs +15 vs. AC— 7 damage, and a humanoid target is weakened (–4 attack and defenses) until the end of the masterless vampire spawn’s next turn    

# Giant Skeleton

Normal 7th level Initiative: +10; Vulnerability: radiant; Giant Femur Club +9 vs. AC— 25 damage AC PD 21 20
Mook Undead Resist 15+: When a weapon attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 15+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage. MD HP 16 33
# Higher Level Advancement
Level Attack Damage AC PD MD HP
9th +3 +15 +2 +2 +2 +22

# Blackamber Skeletal Warrior

Normal 9th level Initiative: +15; Vulnerability: radiant; Shortsword +15 vs. AC 28 damage AC PD 26 20
Mook Undead Natural 16+: Each Blackamber skeletal warrior in the battle moves up 1d4 points in initiative order. MD HP 22 25
  Natural even miss: 10 damage. R: Javelin +13 vs. AC 24 damage    
  Press advantage: The warrior deals +1d10 damage with its attacks against enemies that have a lower initiative than it.    
  Resist weapons 16+: When a weapon attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage.    

# Minor Lich

Normal 9th level Initiative: +15; Vulnerability: radiant; (Ranged) finger of Death +15 vs. PD 30 necrotic damage. If the target has 30 or less hit points after the hit, it dies. AC PD 22 17
Mook Undead Resist necrotic 15+: When a necrotic attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage. MD HP 21 30

# Terror

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Target: One nearby creature with 50 hp or fewer

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD

Hit: The target uses all its actions during its turn to move away from the battle, disengaging from enemies to do so (hard save ends, 16+). If it fails to disengage with all of its actions, it won’t take opportunity attacks by moving. The effect also ends when you or one of your allies attacks the target.

Miss: 1d10 + Intelligence psychic damage.

Higher Level Effect
3rd Target with 70 hp or fewer, 4d6 damage on a miss.
5th Target with 100 hp or fewer, 6d6 damage on a miss.
7th Target with 180 hp or fewer, 6d10 damage on a miss.
9th Target with 300 hp or fewer, 8d10 damage on a miss.

# Adventurer Feat

When you miss with this spell, you regain it after the battle.

# Champion Feat

Increase the hit point threshold of targets by 50 hp.

# Epic Feat

The target also takes the miss damage each time it fails a save against the effect.

# Thirsting Blades

Close-quarters Spell


Target: Two nearby melee weapons

Effect: The next time the wielder of the weapon hits with an attack, they can choose to pay 2 hit points. If they do, the attack deals 2d6 extra damage.

Higher Level Effect
3rd 3 hit points; 2d10 extra damage
5th 5 hit points; 3d10 extra damage
7th 8 hit points; 4d12 extra damage
9th 13 hit points; 1d8 x 10 extra damage

# Adventurer Feat

The wielder of the weapon can choose to pay the hit points before making the attack. If they do, they gain a +1 bonus to the attack.

# Toxic Steel

Melee attack


Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Strength + Intelligence poison damage

Natural 17+: 3 ongoing poison damage

Miss: Your level in damage

Higher Level Effect
3rd 5 ongoing poison damage
5th 10 ongoing poison damage
7th 15 ongoing poison damage
9th 25 ongoing poison damage

# Adventurer Feat

Deal extra damage equal to your Intelligence modifier on a miss.

# Champion Feat

Deal ongoing damage on a natural 15+.

# Unholy Blast

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 4d6 + Intelligence necrotic damage.

First Miss: Half damage, and make the attack again against an enemy you haven’t already targeted with unholy blast this turn.

Second Miss: Half damage, or full damage if the escalation die is 1+ and you choose to decrease it by 1.

Higher Level Effect
3rd 4d10 damage.
5th 7d10 damage.
7th 10d10 damage.
9th 2d8 x 10 damage.

# Adventurer Feat

The spell can now target far away enemies.

# Champion Feat

The spell’s damage dice increase to d12s.

# Epic Feat

The spell now targets two nearby enemies, but you can’t attack the same target twice as you work through the misses and hits.

# Zombie Form

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Special: You can only cast this spell outside of battle; it requires 2d4 rounds to cast.

Target: You or one willing nearby ally

Effect: The target gains 30 temporary hit points that last until the end of the next battle. Until the end of the next battle, the target takes a –5 penalty to Charisma and Dexterity skill checks (no penalty to attacks), to disengage checks, and to initiative rolls.

Higher Level Effect
3rd 50 temporary hit points.
5th 80 temporary hit points.
7th 130 temporary hit points.
9th 210 temporary hit points.

# 3rd Level Spells

# Blade of Suffering

Melee attack


Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Intelligence necrotic damage. Until the start of your next turn, the target takes 1d8 extra damage from your allies’ attacks.

Miss: Your level in damage

Higher Level Effect
5th 2d8 extra damage
7th 3d8 extra damage
9th 4d8 extra damage

# Adventurer Feat

Increase the extra damage to d10s.

# Blood Donation

Close-quarters Spell

Once per battle

Quick Action

Effect: One nearby willing ally can spend a recovery and make a recovery roll, except you gain the healing. If no nearby ally is willing, deal 1 point of damage to all nearby creatures and you heal hit points equal to your level.

# Bone Armor

Close-quarters Spell

Full Recovery

Effect: Until the end of the battle, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. Once per round, when you reduce a non-mook enemy below zero hit points, or the last of a group of mooks, increase the armor bonus by +1. The maximum bonus from this spell is +4.

Higher Level Effect
7th The maximum bonus is now +5.

# Adventurer Feat

You can increase the armor bonus when an ally reduces a non-mook enemy below zero hit points, but still only once per round.

# Champion Feat

Also gain the bonus to PD.

# Bone Spear

Close-quarters Spell

Once per battle

Chain Spell

Target: One nearby creature

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence necrotic damage

Miss: Necrotic damage equal to your level

Higher Level Effect
5th 5d8 damage
7th 7d8 damage
9th 10d8 damage

Chain spell: Each time your natural attack roll is even, you can attack a different target with the spell.

# Adventurer Feat

If you are engaged with the first target of the spell, gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll against it.

# Champion Feat

Deal 1d8 extra damage on the first attack (8th level: 2d8).

# Brittle Bones

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Quick Action

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: Melee attacks against the target deal 1d12 extra damage, and the target cannot resist damage from melee attacks (hard save 16+ ends).

Miss: The next melee attack against the target before the end of your next turn deals 1d12 extra damage.

Higher Level Effect
5th 2d12 extra damage
7th 3d12 extra damage
9th 4d12 extra damage

# Adventurer Feat

The spell is now Recharge 17+ after battle.

# Circle of Death

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Special: You can’t cast this spell unless the escalation die is 3+.

Target: Each nearby creature (allies and enemies)

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit vs. an enemy: 5d12 + Intelligence necrotic damage.

Hit vs. an ally: 1d6 necrotic damage.

Miss vs. an enemy: Half damage.

Miss vs. an ally: You take half the damage the ally would have taken on a hit.

Higher Level Effect
5th 8d12 damage to an enemy, 2d6 damage to an ally.
7th 2d8 x 10 damage to an enemy, 3d8 damage to an ally.
9th 4d6 x 10 damage to an enemy, 3d10 damage to an ally.

# Deathrattle

Close-quarters Spell

Once per battle

Interrupt Action

Trigger: You are reduced below zero hit points by an attack.

Target: Your attacker

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD

Hit: Psychic damage equal to the damage of the attack that brought you below zero hit points, or 5 times the spell level (whichever is higher).

Natural even hit: The target is dazed until the end of your next turn.

Natural odd hit: Deal half damage to 1d3 nearby enemies.

Miss: Half damage

# Champion Feat

On an even hit, the target is weakened instead. On an odd hit, target 1d4 nearby enemies.

# Ghoul Form

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Target: You or one willing nearby ally

Effect: Until the end of the battle, the target gains a +4 melee attack bonus. In addition, enemies engaged with the target are vulnerable to its melee attacks.

The target also only gains half the normal amount from healing effects, no matter the source.

Higher Level Effect
5th The target now also gains a +4 bonus to initiative, Dexterity checks, and disengage checks.
7th Enemies engaged with the target are now vulnerable to all attacks.
9th The target also gains an advantage from a necromantic relationship.

# Ghoul Touch

Close-quarters Spell

Once per battle

Target: One enemy you are engaged with

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 3d12 + Intelligence necrotic damage.

Natural 19+: The target is stunned until the end of its next turn.

Miss: Half damage

Higher Level Effect
5th 5d12 damage, stun on natural 17+
7th 7d12 damage, stun on natural 15+
9th 10d12 damage, stun on natural 13+

# Champion Feat

After the stun ends, the target is hampered until the end of its next turn.

# Negative Energy Shield

Close-quarters Spell

Full Recovery

Target: You

Effect: Until the end of the battle, when an enemy engaged with you attacks you with a natural odd attack roll, it takes 6d6 + Intelligence necrotic damage.

Higher Level Effect
5th 6d10 damage.
7th 10d10 damage.
9th 2d8 x 10 damage.

# Orb of Unlife

Ranged Spell


Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 3d8 + Intelligence necrotic damage. If one nearby ally is willing to sacrifice 1d8 hit points, deal extra damage equal to that amount.

Miss: Damage equal to your level

Higher Level Effect
5th 5d8 damage; sacrifice 2d8
7th 7d8 damage; sacrifice 3d8
9th 10d8 damage; sacrifice 4d8

# Adventurer Feat

Deal extra damage equal to twice the amount of sacrificed hit points.

# Ray of Enfeeblement

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Target: One nearby enemy with 96 hp or fewer

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 4d12 + Intelligence necrotic damage, and the target is weakened (save ends)

Miss: Half damage.

Higher Level Effect
5th 7d12 damage.
7th 2d6 x 10 damage.
9th 2d10 x 10 damage.

# Adventurer Feat

The spell can now target an enemy with any number of hit points while the escalation die is 3+.

# Champion Feat

The save against weakened is now a hard save (16+).

# Epic Feat

On a miss, the target is also dazed (save ends).

# Shared Pain

Ranged attack

Once per battle

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: Starting with you, you and each nearby ally can choose to pay any number of hit points into the spell. For every 5 hit points paid in total, deal 1d20 damage to the enemy target, up to a maximum of 4d20.

Miss: As a hit, but deal 1d8 damage for each hit point paid (up to 4d8).

Higher Level Effect
5th Up to 6d20 / 6d8 damage
7th Up to 9d20 / 9d8 damage
9th Up to 15d20 / 15d8 damage

# Champion Feat

You can cast this spell as an interrupt when an enemy is making an attack against you. It resolves before the attack.

# Speak with Dead

Ranged Spell


Special: You can use this spell 1d3 times each full recovery (roll during a full heal-up when you take it). Each time you use the spell, you must wait 1d6 hours before casting it again.

Target: One corpse you are touching that has been dead less than a full recovery.

Note that creatures that were undead for a longer period before they were killed are not legal targets.

Effect: You can ask the corpse a number of yes/no questions that the leftover fragments of personality/spirit within the corpse will attempt to answer truthfully using the information it had when it died. The magic uses the caster’s knowledge of language so no translation is needed. The first question is free. The second question requires a DC 15 necromancy skill check using Intelligence if the corpse is “friendly,” and Charisma if the corpse is not. Increase the DC by +5 for each subsequent question after the second. If you’re using this spell during battle, each question and answer requires a round.

Note: Just as with the séance ability of the Death Priest talent, there’s always a 10% chance that the spirit summoned is going to lie to you for reasons best known to it and to the GM. The GM rolls a d20 secretly before the corpse provides any answers; a 3+ means the spirit will speak truly, but a 1 or a 2 means it will lie while appearing to be aiming for the truth.

Higher Level Effect
5th You can now cast this spell 1d4 times per full recovery, targeting corpses or even just heads that have been dead up to a week.
7th Questions can now be phrased to receive three-word answers, targeting corpses/heads that have been dead up to a month.
9th Questions can now be phrased to receive one to two sentence answers, targeting corpses/heads or skeletal remains of almost any age.

# Summon Flesh Golem

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Effect: You summon one flesh golem, as per the summoning rules. The golem fights for you until the end of the battle, or until it drops to 0 hp, whichever comes first. As you cast the spell at higher levels, you can summon higher level versions.

# Flesh Golem

Normal 3rd level Initiative +0; Vulnerability: radiant; Meaty Hook +9 vs. AC 10 damage. If the golem is staggered, it heals 1d10 hp. AC PD 18 18
Troop Undead Energy magnet: When a ranged or close-quarter attack that causes cold, fire, force, lightning, or necrotic damage targets you or a nearby ally, the flesh golem has a 50% chance of becoming the main target instead. MD HP 14 28
# Adventurer Feat

Whenever the golem redirects an energy attack to itself, it deals half of the redirected attack’s damage to all enemies it is engaged with.

# Higher Level Advancement

For each additional level tier, add this bonus to the stats found in the table below.

Level Attack Damage Healing AC PD MD HP
5th +3 +5 +1d10 +3 +3 +3 +16
7th +2 +10 +1d10 +3 +3 +2 +28
9th +3 +20 +1d10 +2 +2 +3 +36

# Summon Horror (3rd level+)

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Effect: You summon a ghoul, as per the summoning rules. The summoned ghoul fights for you until the end of the battle or until it drops to 0 hp, whichever comes first.

As you cast the spell at higher levels, the creature you summon varies, as shown below. The stats for each creature are shown below.

Higher Level Effect
5th You can now summon a wight.
7th You can now summon a barrow wight.
9th You can now summon a greater wight.

# Summoned Ghoul

Normal 3rd level Initiative: +8; Vulnerability: radiant; Claws and bite +8 vs. AC 8 damage AC PD 18 16
Spoiler Undead Natural even hit: The target is vulnerable (attacks vs. it have crit range expanded by 2) to attacks by undead until the end of the ghoul’s next turn. MD HP 12 20
  Pound of flesh: The ghoul’s claws and bite attack deals +4 damage against vulnerable targets.    
  Infected bite: Any creature that is slain by a ghoul and not consumed will rise as a ghoul the next night.    

# Summoned Wight

Normal 5th level Initiative: +8; Vulnerability: radiant; Sword +10 vs. AC— 14 damage AC PD 22 18
Spoiler Undead Natural even hit or miss: Unless the wight is staggered, the attack also deals 8 ongoing necrotic damage. MD HP 14 32

# Summoned Barrow Wight

Normal 7th level Initiative: +10; Vulnerability: radiant; Sword +12 vs. AC— 21 damage AC PD 24 20
Spoiler Undead Natural even hit or miss: Unless the barrow wight is staggered, the attack also deals 13 ongoing necrotic damage. MD HP 16 52

# Summoned Greater Wight

Normal 9th level Initiative: +12; Vulnerability: radiant; Attack +14 vs AC— 40 damage AC PD 26 22
Spoiler Undead Natural even hit or miss: Unless the greater wight is staggered, the attack also deals 20 ongoing necrotic damage. MD HP 18 90

# The Bones Beneath

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Target: One nearby mook (and hence, its mob)

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 4d12 + Intelligence necrotic damage, and each mook in the mob that drops becomes a skeleton mook under your control until the end of the battle.

Miss: Half damage, and each mook in the mob that drops becomes a skeleton mook under your control until the end of the battle.

Higher Level Effect
5th 7d12 damage.
7th 2d6 x 10 damage.
9th 2d10 x 10 damage.

Special: The stats for the mooks created by each level of the bones beneath appear below. The level or physical nature of the mooks is irrelevant; the magic of the spell turns whatever creatures it’s forced to work with into skeletal mook allies with the stats below.

The new mooks take their turn immediately after your turn.

This isn’t a summoning spell, so the mooks created by this spell don’t count as summoned mooks.

# 3rd Level

Normal 3rd level Initiative: +8; Vulnerability: radiant; Sword or axe or whatever +8 vs. AC 5 damage AC PD 18 16
Mook Undead Resist weapons 16+: When a weapon attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage. MD HP 12 11

# 5th Level

Normal 5th level Initiative: +10; Vulnerability: radiant; Sword or axe or whatever +10 vs. AC 8 damage AC PD 20 18
Mook Undead Resist weapons 16+: When a weapon attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage. MD HP 14 18

# 7th Level

Normal 7th level Initiative: +12; Vulnerability: radiant; Sword or axe or whatever +12 vs. AC 16 damage AC PD 22 20
Mook Undead Resist weapons 16+: When a weapon attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage. MD HP 16 27

# 9th Level

Normal 9th level Initiative: +14; Vulnerability: radiant; Sword or axe or whatever +14 vs. AC 28 damage AC PD 24 22
Mook Undead Resist weapons 16+: When a weapon attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 16+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage. MD HP 18 44

# Visions of Grief

Close-quarters Spell

Recharge 13+ after the scene

Target: A nearby person

Effect: You receive a short vision of the strongest feelings that the target has towards a deceased person. The emotions can range the whole gamut from regret, to anger, to longing and love.

# Wave of Decay

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Effect: Choose a nearby enemy. It takes 2d6 necrotic damage for each point on the escalation die. (For example, if the escalation die is 2 when you cast the spell, you’ll deal 4d6 necrotic damage to the target.)

Until the end of the battle, as a free action at the start of each of your turns, repeat the effect above, choosing a target and dealing damage based on the escalation die value.

The effect ends at the end of the battle, when you drop to 0 hp, or when your wave of decay damage drops an enemy to 0 hit points!

Higher Level Effect
5th 2d12 damage.
7th 3d12 damage.
9th 5d12 damage.

# Champion Feat

The spell no longer ends when you drop to 0 hit points or below; instead it ends when you fail a death save.

# Epic Feat

The spell no longer ends when you use it to drop an enemy to 0 hit points; it now ends when it drops a second enemy to 0 hit points.

# 5th Level Spells

# Aura of Forbiddance

Close-quarters Spell

Recharge 17+ after battle

Quick Action

Effect: Until the end of your next turn, enemies must succeed at a hard save (16+) to engage or attack you. If they fail, they take psychic damage equal to your Charisma modifier, twice at champion tier, and thrice at epic tier, they are struck by fear (-4 to attack, can’t use the escalation die) and can’t engage you until the end of your next turn. Enemies who successfully saved against the effect are immune to the spell until the end of the battle.

After the end of your next turn, the spell effect continues, but the save is now a normal save (11+). The following turn, it is an easy save (6+), after which the spell ends.

# Champion Feat

The spell is now Recharge 13+.

# Epic Feat

You can cast this spell as a free action when you roll initiative.

# Bone Wall

Close-quarters Spell

Full Recovery

Effect: You create a barrier of piled-up bones across the battlefield that lasts until the end of the battle. The barrier is tall enough to reach a 10-foot-high ceiling and block a 20-foot-wide corridor. It takes a move action and a normal difficulty skill check to climb to the top of the barrier. It is possible to shoot through the barrier with disadvantage on the attack roll.

Enemies can deal 10 times the spell level in damage to the barrier to create a hole that is big enough for a normal-sized creature to squeeze through.

# Champion Feat

You can use your own spells through the barrier without disadvantage.

# Corpse Explosion

Close-quarters Spell

Full Recovery; Interrupt action

Trigger: A nearby non-mook creature, or the last of a group of mooks, dies

Target: The 1d3 enemies closest to the killed creature. You can cast this spell recklessly to target 1d6 enemies instead.

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 3d6 fire damage, multiplied by the level of the killed creature

Miss: Half damage

Reckless miss: Your allies engaged with the missed target take 1d6 fire damage per level of the killed creature.

# Champion Feat

When casting this spell recklessly, target a number of creatures equal to the d6 roll or the escalation die, whichever is higher.

# Dark Conduit

Close-quarters Spell

Full Recovery

Quick Action

Target: A nearby ally

Effect: Until the end of the battle, the target deals 2d6 extra necrotic damage on a hit with a melee attack. Both you and the target heal hit points equal to half the extra damage.

Higher Level Effect
7th 2d10 extra damage
9th 4d8 extra damage

# Champion Feat

The spell is now Recharge 17+ after battle.

# Death Mark

Melee attack

Once per battle

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. AC

Hit: WEAPON + Strength + Intelligence necrotic damage. Your attack rolls against the target have advantage (save ends).

Miss: Your level in damage

# Champion Feat

On a miss, the spell is not expended.

# Epic Feat

The target is also vulnerable to your attacks (save ends both).

# Death’s Call

Ranged Spell

Once per battle

Quick Action to cast

Effect: Choose a creature you can see in the battle. If that creature is the next creature to drop to 0 hp, you heal using a recovery.

Higher Level Effect
7th When the creature drops, one of your nearby allies can heal using a recovery instead of you.
9th If the chosen creature is not the next creature in the battle to drop to 0 hp, you still gain 30 temporary hit points.

# Champion Feat

The recovery is now free.

# Epic Feat

If your choice was wrong, you don’t expend the spell and can cast it later this battle. A second failed choice expends the spell.

# Rotting Curse

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 30 ongoing necrotic damage (hard save ends, 16+), and each time the target fails the save, the ongoing necrotic damage increases by 15

Miss: 15 ongoing necrotic damage (hard save ends, 16+).

Higher Level Effect
7th 50 ongoing damage on a hit, with fail increments/miss damage of 25.
9th 80 ongoing damage on a hit, with fail increments/miss damage of 40.

# Spirit Shield

Close-quarters Spell

Full Recovery

Quick Action

Target: You or a nearby ally

Effect: The target spends a recovery and gains temporary hit points equal to the recovery roll. Until the end of the battle, whenever the target is hit by an attack, protective spirits deal necrotic damage equal to the spell level to the attacker.

# Champion Feat

The target makes a save (11+). On a success, the recovery is free.

# Summon Wraith (5th level+)

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Effect: You summon a wraith, as per the summoning rules. This wraith fights for you until the end of the battle or until it drops to 0 hp, whichever comes first.

As you cast the spell at higher levels, you summon multiple wraiths. Stats for the two versions of the wraith summoned by the spell are listed below.

Higher Level Effect
7th You can now summon two wraiths.
9th You can now summon two greater wraiths.

# Epic Feat

When you cast summon wraith while the escalation die is 3+, you summon three wraiths or greater wraiths instead of two.

# Summoned Wraith

Normal 5th level Initiative: +10; Vulnerability: radiant; Ice-cold ghost blade +10 vs. PD— 14 necrotic damage AC PD 19 14
Spoiler Undead C: Spiraling assault +10 vs. PD (1d3 nearby enemies)— 10 necrotic damage, and after the attack the wraith teleports to and engages with one target it hit MD HP 17 33
  Natural 16+: The target is also weakened until the end of its next turn.    
  Limited use: The wraith can use spiraling assault only when the escalation die is even.    
  Flight: The wraith hovers and zooms about.    
  Ghostly: This creature has resist damage 16+ to all damage (yes, even radiant damage) except force damage, which damages it normally. A wraith can move through solid objects, but it can’t end its movement inside them.    

# Summoned Greater Wraith

Normal 7th level Initiative: +12; Vulnerability: radiant; Ice-cold ghost blade +12 vs. PD— 20 necrotic damage AC PD 21 16
Spoiler Undead C: Spiraling assault +10 vs. PD (1d3 nearby enemies)— 15 necrotic damage, and after the attack the wraith teleports to and engages with one target it hit MD HP 19 47
  Natural 16+: The target is also weakened until the end of its next turn.    
  Limited use: The wraith can use spiraling assault only when the escalation die is even.    
  Flight: The wraith hovers and zooms about.    
  Ghostly: This creature has resist damage 16+ to all damage (yes, even radiant damage) except force damage, which damages it normally. A wraith can move through solid objects, but it can’t end its movement inside them.    

# Vampiric Touch

Close-quarters Spell

Full Recovery

Target: One enemy you are engaged with

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: Heal using a free recovery, and deal damage to the target equal to the hit points healed.

Miss: Necrotic damage and healing equal to your level

# Champion Feat

Gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll if the target is staggered.

# Epic Feat

Increase your recovery dice to d12s for this spell.

# You Know What to Do

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Target: One or more nearby enemies with 90 hp or fewer, up to a maximum number of targets equal to the escalation die

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD

Hit: The target is confused (save ends). Instead of attacking an ally, the target attacks itself.

Miss: Necrotic damage equal to your level.

Higher Level Effect
7th Targets with 160 hp or fewer.
9th Targets with 260 hp or fewer.

# Champion Feat

The crit range for attacks a confused target makes against itself expands by 4.

# Epic Feat

Increase the hit point threshold of targets by 40 hp.

# 7th Level Spells

# Blood Command

Close-quarters Spell

Once per battle

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 6d6 + Intelligence necrotic damage, and you heal hit points equal to half the amount of damage dealt. If the target has 100 hp or less after taking damage, you control the target on its next turn. If you give the target a suicidal command, it can immediately save against the effect.

Miss: Necrotic damage equal to your level

Higher Level Effect
9th 10d8; 150 hp or less

# Champion Feat

Gain a +2 bonus to the attack roll if the target is staggered.

# Epic Feat

Increase your recovery dice to d12s for this spell.

# Blood Tithe

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Target: One enemy

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: Whenever the target takes ongoing damage from any source, you heal hit points equal to the ongoing damage dealt (save ends).

Miss: You regain the spell at the end of the battle.

# Champion Feat

At the end of its turn, the target has to decide whether it wants to save against ongoing damage effects or this spell. It can’t do both.

# Bone Prison

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Target: One nearby enemy

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: The target is caught in a bone prison. It cannot engage enemies outside of the prison, but ranged and close-quarters attacks are still possible. The prison is destroyed if 20 times the spell’s level in damage is dealt to it.

Miss: You create the prison but fail to catch the enemy with it.

# Champion Feat

You can target 1d3 enemies in a group with this spell, but that also targets all creatures engaged to them, and the targets can’t be large or bigger.

# Cone of Corruption

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group, and any of your allies engaged with those enemies

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD

Hit: 10d10 + Intelligence necrotic damage.

Natural even hit: As a hit, plus the target is hampered (save ends).

Miss: Half damage.

Higher Level Effect
9th 2d8 x 10 damage.

# Desperate Vengeance

Close-quarters Spell

Full Recovery

Special: When you cast this spell, add one failed death save to the number you failed this battle. For each ally willing to do the same, increase the number of targets by one.

Target: One nearby or far away enemy

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD. For each ally who is currently unconscious and gave up a death save, you gain advantage on one attack roll.

Hit: Necrotic damage equal to half the target’s total hit points (up to 444 damage).

Miss: Necrotic damage equal to a quarter of the target’s total hit points (up to 222 damage).

Higher Level Effect
9th Up to 666 / 333 damage.

# Feigned Defeat

Close-quarters Spell

Full Recovery

Quick Action to cast

Effect: You lose 10d8 hit points that can’t be prevented in any way. At the start of your next turn, you heal using 3 free recoveries. If you are at 0 hp or below, or even dead, you return to life at 0 hp before healing.

Higher Level Effect
9th You lose 10d12 hit points.

# Ghost Form

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Target: You

Effect: Until the end of the battle, the target gains flight and resist damage 16+ against all damage except force damage.

The target also only gains half the normal amount from healing effects, no matter the source.

Higher Level Effect
9th While in ghost form, you can move through solid objects, but you can’t end your movement inside them.

# Champion Feat

You can now target a nearby willing ally with the spell instead of yourself.

# Epic Feat

You can now target up to two nearby willing allies (including you).

# Hails from the Grave

Close-quarters Spell

Full Recovery

Target: 1d3 nearby enemies in a group

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD

Hit: 8d8 + Intelligence psychic damage. If the target has 200 hp or less after taking damage, it is also confused (save ends).

Miss: Half damage, and no confusion

Higher Level Effect
9th 8d12 damage; confused up to 400 hp

# Champion Feat

Deal 3d8 psychic damage to 1d3 other nearby enemies.

# One Foot in the Grave

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Effect: You, any undead you have summoned, and up to 4 nearby allies teleport to a crypt or graveyard that you have visited before. Any living creatures traveling with you must succeed at a save or lose a recovery (if they have any). You can teleport up to one mile per point of Intelligence modifier.

Higher Level Effect
9th You can teleport up to 100 miles per point of Intelligence modifier.

# Epic Feat

You can teleport twice as many creatures OR you can teleport living beings without causing them to lose a recovery.

# Scythe of the Reaper

Close-quarters Spell

Full Recovery

Target: A random nearby enemy

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. PD. Gain advantage on the attack roll against staggered enemies.

Hit: 2d8 x 10 necrotic damage

Miss: Half damage

Higher Level Effect
9th 3d8 x 10 damage

# Champion Feat

If the escalation die is 3+, you can cast this spell as a free action, even when it is not your turn.

# Soulbound Return

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Target: A dead ally

Effect: You or a living, willing ally binds some of their own life force into the body of the deceased target to bring them back to life. This is a strenuous experience that puts a heavy toll on both the giver and the recipient. Both permanently lose a recovery, they roll one less die for recoveries.

The resurrected target randomly chooses an ability score and reduces it by 2, and gains the necromancer Sorta Dead talent as a bonus talent. In their zombie-like state, they retain their own consciousness and free will, but their life is now forever linked to the giver. Whenever the giver takes damage and the resurrected ally is nearby, they can force their ally to take half of that damage.

If the resurrected ally is killed again, they can only be brought back as a mindless zombie.

# Summon Blood Golem

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Effect: You summon one blood golem, as per the summoning rules. The golem fights for you until the end of the battle, or until it drops to 0 hp, whichever comes first. As you cast the spell at higher levels, you can summon higher level versions.

# Blood Golem

Normal 7th level Initiative: +0; Vulnerability: radiant; Scabbed Claws +14 vs. AC— 6d6 damage. Your golem heals hit points equal to the sum of all damage dice that come up even, and you heal hit points equal to the sum of all damage dice that come up odd. AC PD 24 24
Troop Undead Blood-activated: When you summon a blood golem, spend a recovery without healing. MD HP 20 70
  Golem immunity: The golem can’t be dazed, weakened, confused, made vulnerable, or touched by ongoing damage.    
# Higher Level Advancement
Level Attack Damage AC PD MD HP
9th +3 +3d6 +3 +3 +3 +45

# 9th Level Spells

# Angel of Death

Close-quarters Spell

Full Recovery

Quick Action

Effect: You grow black raven wings that allow you to fly until the end of the battle. The first time you hit an enemy with an attack each turn, that enemy also takes 25 ongoing necrotic damage.

# Epic Feat

If the enemy is staggered, deal 40 ongoing damage instead and the save is a hard save (16+).

# Blood Vortex

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Special: If you have 50 hit points or less, you can cast Blood Vortex at-will.

Target: One nearby enemy per point of Charisma modifier

Attack: Intelligence + level vs. PD

Hit: 2d8 x 10 + Intelligence necrotic damage

Miss: Half damage

# Creeping Madness

Close-quarters Spell

Full Recovery

Effect: Until the end of the battle, poisonous fumes from the deepest recesses of the Underworld pour onto the battlefield. At the start of their turn, each enemy on the battlefield takes 30 poison damage (save for half). Allies must succeed at an easy save (6+) or take 10 poison damage.

Any creature that is reduced to 0 hp or below by the poison remains conscious, but they are confused (attacking their own allies). If a confused creature takes damage, or if they are healed above zero hit points, the confusion effect ends. Confused creatures take no damage from the poison.

# Epic Feat

Increase the damage against enemies who fail their save by 5 times the escalation die.

# Finger of Death

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Target: One nearby enemy with 240 hp or fewer

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD

Hit: The target drops to 0 hp and dies.

Miss: You take 4d10 damage and regain finger of death after the battle.

# Epic Feat

You can now target an enemy with 320 hp or fewer.

# Return Stronger Than Ever Before

Close-quarters Spell

Recharge 17+

No action

Trigger: You succeed at a death save (you can cast this spell while unconscious)

Effect: Immediately spend a recovery to heal. The first necromancer spell you cast after the start of your next turn deals double damage OR summons twice as many creatures.

# Epic Feat

Heal twice the amount of hit points on a save.

# Siphon Ultimate Power

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Effect: Ask one nearby ally per point of escalation die if they are willing to support your casting of the spell. For each willing ally, you gain an extra standard action this turn, and you can use one of their spells or powers. If that power is not at-will, it is expended. You can replace any ability score in the power’s description with Intelligence. You only gain the spell or power itself, no other abilities or bonuses that are not part of the description, unless they are required for it to work.

After casting this spell, you take a -1 penalty to all attacks and defenses for each extra action you took (save ends).

# Summon Dracolich

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Effect: You summon a dracolich, as per the summoning rules. The creature fights for you until the end of the battle or until it drops to 0 hp, whichever comes first.

# (Summoned) Dracolich

Normal 9th level Initiative: +14; Vulnerability: radiant; Flight; Bone Claws +14 vs. AC—, 2 attacks— 20 damage damage. AC PD 25 22
Caster Undead, Dragon Natural 5 or less: The Dracolich can use its Blight Breath attack on its next turn. MD HP 22 130
  Special: Blight Breath +13 vs. PD (1d3 nearby enemies)— 20 necrotic damage, and the target is blighted. Blighted enemies take half of the damage they deal with their next attack.    

# The Last of the Wine

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Target: One or more nearby enemies, up to a maximum number of targets equal to the escalation die

Special: After you cast this spell, you drop to 0 hit points and can’t use the escalation die any longer this battle. Nothing can prevent this change in hit points.

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD

Hit: 3d6 x 10 necrotic damage.

Miss: Half damage.

# Vampiric Form

Ranged Spell

Full Recovery

Effect: Until the end of the battle, or until you drop to –40 hit points, you heal 6d10 + triple your Charisma modifier hit points at the start of each of your turns. In addition, as long as this spell is in effect, you can make the following attack as a free action against each nearby enemy that misses you with an attack with a natural roll of 1–5.

Attack: Intelligence + Level vs. MD

Natural Even Hit: The target is confused until the end of its next turn.

Natural Odd Hit: The target is weakened until the end of its next turn.