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Species Bonus

+2 Con or +2 Dex

Adventurer Feat

Once per full recovery when grabbed or stuck, you can spend a recovery (regaining no hp) and end that condition on yourself.

Epic Feat

As a standard action, you may move across any relatively flat surface (a calm lake, a wall, a ceiling, etc.).

Species Power


Once per battle, you may declare you are entering a frenzy. Make the following attack:

Frenzied Attack

Quick Action

Special: You can make a number of attacks equal to the escalation die, but may only target a single creature with half other potential attacks (rounded up).

Target: One creature engaged with you.

Attack: 6 + level vs. AC

Hit: 1d8 x level damage.

Champion Feat

You may replace one of your frenzy attacks with an at-will or basic attack.